Rise of the Tomb Raider
The scene reverts to London, England two weeks earlier, with Lara walking through the dark rainy alleyways. As she passes by her father's apartment, she sees a mysterious figure with a flashlight through the windows and decides to investigate. The mysterious figure finds a recorded voice message, with Richard Croft explaining that he has already found the next piece of the puzzle in his quest for immortality, but someone is stalking him - Trinity, a violent sect which aims on taking over humanity. Lara enters, causing the mysterious figure to flee. Lara finds the window open, presuming that the mysterious figure might have used it to escape. As she investigates her father's research documents, the door starts to open. Lara quickly picks up her climbing axe and prepares it for the mysterious visitor. As the visitor opens the door, Lara almost hits the visitor before realizing it was Ana - Richard Croft's lover.